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    當(dāng)前位置:首頁  >  產(chǎn)品展示  >    >  美國ASCO阿斯卡  >  EF8300D61UASCO阿斯卡燃燒閥,美國ASCO防爆閥


    【概要描述】ASCO阿斯卡燃燒閥,美國ASCO防爆閥,ASCO閥門是的制造商電磁閥 ,是創(chuàng)新,創(chuàng)意,和國家的的*,流體控制,結(jié)合100多年的高科技體驗。

    型號:EF8300D61U 點擊量:1550 廠商性質(zhì):代理商 更新日期:2024-06-24

    8256 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/8" Open Frame & Watertight Direct Acting 379
    8262/8263 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/8" - 3/8" Watertight Direct Acting 381
    8266 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves/NO 3/8" - 3/4" General Purpose - 385
    HOV1B Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/2" - 1" Hydramotor Pressures to 300 psi 389
    SV401 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/4" - 3/8" Watertight Pressures to 300 psi - Proof of Closure 393
    8377 3-Way 3/8" - 1/2" General Purpose Pressures to 100 psi 395
    HOV13B 3-Way 1/2" - 3/4" Hydramotor Pressures to 300 psi - Proof of Closure 397
    Specialty Valves - Accessories
    8040 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 3/4" Open Frame & Watertight Direct Acting 401
    Low Temp SS Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 1" Explosion Proof Stainless Steel Body 405
    HV266 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/2" - 1" GP and Watertight Stainless Steel Body 411
    8044 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 3" General Purpose Manual Reset 413
    HV216, JV216 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/2" - 3" None Cable Release or Fusible Link 417
    LP Gas Systems Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/4" - 3/4" Watertight Liquid Petroleum Gases 421
    Control Panels Control Panel for Gas Service - - Key Switch Control Panel
    8040 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/8" - 3/8" Watertight Direct Acting 313
    8040 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 1 1/4" GP and Watertight Direct Acting 315
    8042 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 3" General Purpose 5 lb closing spring 319
    8043 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 3" GP and Watertight 5 lb closing spring, Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 323
    8210 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 3/4" Watertight - 327
    8214 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 3/4" Watertight - 329
    Double Gas Valves Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 3" GP and Watertight Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 331
    8214 200 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 3" GP and Watertight Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 337
    AH2E On/Off Actuator - Hydramotor Use with V710(B) - Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 345
    AH4E Low/High/Off Actuator - Hydramotor Use with V710(B) - Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 347
    V710(B) Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 4" - Use with AH2E, AH4E 349
    H117 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 2" - 4" Hydramotor Cast Iron Body - Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 353
    H118 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1" - 4" Hydramotor Cast Iron Body - Visual Indication and Proof of Closure 357
    H137 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 2" - 6" Hydramotor Cast Iron Body - Proof of Closure 361
    K3A4 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 1" General Purpose Direct Acting 365
    K3A5 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 1" General Purpose Direct Acting 367
    K3A6 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/4" - 1 1/2" General Purpose - 369
    K3A7 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" General Purpose Direct Acting 371
    S261 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 3/8" - 3" General Purpose - 373
    SV311 Normally Closed/Blocking Valves 1/8" - 3/8" General Purpose Direct Acting 377
    Fuel Oil (No. 2, 4, 5, & Heated No. 6)




    聯(lián)系人:潘經(jīng)理 品牌: 產(chǎn)地:美國




    郵箱:15214375780@163.com 地址:上海市松江區(qū)高技路655號4棟413-415


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