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更新時(shí)間:2013-08-08 點(diǎn)擊量:749

  德國NOVOTECHNIK品牌的LWH系列精密直線拉桿式傳感器配有前置軸承和DIN標(biāo)準(zhǔn)插頭,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)測(cè)量行程:75-900mm ,我公司常備有現(xiàn)貨。咨詢,:,
  型號(hào)列舉:LWH-75 LWH-100 LWH-130 LWH-150 LWH-175 LWH-200 LWH-225 LWH-250 LWH-275 LWH-300 LWH-325 LWH-360 LWH-375 LWH-400 LWH-425 LWH-450 LWH-500 LWH-550 LWH-600 LWH-650 LWH-750 LWH-900
  型號(hào)列舉:TLH-100 TLH-130 TLH-150 TLH-175 TLH-200 TLH-225 TLH-275 TLH-300 TLH-325 TLH-360 TLH-400 TLH-425 TLH-450 TLH-500 TLH-525 TLH-600 TLH-650 TLH-750 TLH-800 TLH-875 TLH-900 TLH-950 TLH-1000 TLH-1100 TLH-1250 TLH-1350 TLH-1500 TLH-1600 TLH-1750 TLH-2000 TLH-2250 TLH-2375 TLH-2500 TLH
德國NOVOtechnik TLH系列全量程-電子尺
特點(diǎn)如下:測(cè)量方式:電位測(cè)量法結(jié)構(gòu): 無滑動(dòng)軸,量程zui高達(dá)3000mm特點(diǎn) - 使用壽命長,超過 100 x 100000 次移動(dòng)線性度高達(dá) 0.075 %可選擇電纜連接或者插頭連接 DIN標(biāo)準(zhǔn)測(cè)量端頭移動(dòng)軸采用雙軸承支撐系統(tǒng) a 耐震動(dòng)和沖擊套件: 固定支座 Z43 1 個(gè)接線插頭 GDM 3009 EEM 33-981 個(gè)密封圈 GDM 3-16 EEM 33-99可選附件 信號(hào)顯示器 MAP信號(hào)放大器 MUP.../MUK,可輸出標(biāo)準(zhǔn)信號(hào)描述 :外殼-陽極氧化鋁安裝-可調(diào)整支座連軸器-球連軸器,帶有淬硬滾珠和淬硬帶彈力支架電氣連接-插頭連接電刷-貴金屬多彈片觸點(diǎn),人造橡膠彈性支承滑動(dòng)組件-鋁和塑料材質(zhì)電阻材料-導(dǎo)電塑料
Position sensor - Novotechnik develops and manufactures a wide variety of rotary and linear position transducers, position sensors, potentiometers, components and other related products for motion control. All of our products are produced to the same standards of the highest quality and true reliability.
One unvarying thing stands out about Novotechnik -- we stand behind every position sensor, transducer, and our other products. We do this through superior engineering, proven reliability, and by consistently publishing clear, no nonsense specifications for all of our sensors and other products.
Whether you need to know repeatability of a position sensor , temperature coefficient or product life expectation, it’s readily available with no guess work. When you have this kind of information available about the products you choose, it makes each aspect of a product solidly defined. Reliability becomes true reliability.
Novotechnik has a long-standing tradition of working with customers to develop custom sensors for their applications. Contact us to discuss your needs.
Put our enhanced site to use in solving your position sensor and motion control needs.


郵箱:15214375780@163.com 地址:上海市松江區(qū)高技路655號(hào)4棟413-415


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